
Hi, my name is Mithra. I love to read. Not only because I find it incredibly fascinating how certain groups of people are capable of writing words that turn into sentences, then paragraphs, and a whole literature about the mundane things in life, whether or not those mundane things were something that happened or purely fictional. I also love that people can harness the power of words and thus tell a story, whether beautiful or not.

One thing that has been genuine and true to me throughout all my years alive is that I love to write. Whether or not I am a good writer is subjective to the reader. However, objectively I can attest to the fact that I write, not only words of fiction but I write through my pain to my pain. Writing gives me leeway into my mental space. It helps me arrange the mess my mind is.

So I love to read, and writing is one of my reasons to live. Why not combine them? This blog has been a long time coming.

Fun fact: I started the blog sometime in 2023/2022, but I couldn’t keep up with it because life got in the way. So I forgot about it, and when I remembered, I deleted it.

However, this year, I made the decision not to let life get in my way anymore. Because I have learned that life will always get in my way, and I have a choice to progress or regress. I chose progression, you see, and thus the birth of this blog.